Wife Outraged by Husband’s Birthday Month Extravaganza

OK, so we all love making a birthday a special day for our SOs. Sometimes you might hold a big celebration party for a particular milestone, or even just go together for dinner.

It’s also not uncommon to stretch the birthday to a weekend and maybe go away somewhere on holiday. Perhaps you let the SO go off with their friends for an all-boy/all-girl event. But what if it were to stretch out to a month?

A woman has taken to Reddit to complain about the odd and, in her opinion, quite a selfish request from her husband. What would you do?

I never thought I'd find myself in such a bewildering situation, but as I write this I'm staring incredulously at the list my husband has just handed me. His 30th birthday is coming up soon or rather his "birthday month," as he has grandiosely termed it.

His expectations for this extended celebration are not just extensive; they are downright astonishing. The list reads like a decree for a king on holiday: no cooking, no cleaning, no paying rent, and uninterrupted hours of playing Xbox. 

I can't fathom how a birthday celebration, typically a day or maybe a weekend affair, had morphed into a month-long leisure festival and exemption from adult responsibilities for him.

The OP tried talking to her husband about it

I sat down with him, the list in hand, as we navigated this unusual request. "It's my special month," he argued with a hint of jest yet an underlying seriousness. 

"I just want to relax, enjoy, and not worry about the usual chores or bills." I understood the allure of a break, the desire to feel special, but this pushed the boundaries of reasonableness.

I tried to reason with him. "I love celebrating your birthday," I said. "But a whole month of you doing absolutely nothing? That puts all the weight on my shoulders." 

I proposed a compromise, suggesting a weekend getaway or a special day of his choosing where he could have his desired break. But he seems fixated on the idea of a month-long celebration.

I'm right in thinking this is unreasonable aren't I?
Wife Outraged by Husband's Birthday Month Extravaganza

Reddit readers were equally dumbfounded and condemned the OP’s husband.

What a selfish little man-child. Tell him to grow up or you'll be hearing from your  lawyer soon.
Would he accept a month long exemption from chores by you on your birthday month? I'd bet he whinge like a hyena and the whole place would fall apart.  I doubt he does his fair share when it's not his birthday anyway.
This is more than just about a birthday; it's about respect, understanding, and the dynamics of your relationship. His demands are unreasonable and he needs to be told this firmly. You may need some counselling because this isn't healthy.

The OP was to update the post after showing her husband the reaction on Reddit.

Edit: Thank you everyone for your overwhelming support and I'm glad I'm not going crazy. I showed my husband this post and he was ... embarrassed by the responses from everyone.

Our relationship has always been built on mutual respect and shared responsibilities. We have navigated through the ups and downs of life, supporting each other. But this was different and my husband now recognises it.

Instead we have  planned several special days throughout the month, balancing the celebration with our everyday responsibilities. It was a learning curve for both of us, highlighting the importance of communication, compromise, and respect in our relationship.

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