Pregnant Woman Wants To Evict Disabled Tenant

How prepared are you if disaster strikes and you can no longer earn a living? One man not only has had to deal with life-threatening and now chronic and disabling injuries, but because he can no longer work, he faces eviction from his apartment of five years. Meanwhile, the landlord is pregnant with her first baby and in no position to subsidize her tenant’s rent, leading to the very real proposition that she’ll be making him homeless. The OP took to Reddit.

AITA for Evicting My Tenant Because His Injury Means He Can't Work

When disaster struck the tenant, the OP was initially very supportive and helped the tenant by giving over a year’s rent relief. That’s far more than many landlords would give.

But here comes the rub. It’s one thing to provide rent relief when you know a big insurance claim is coming, but there’s no guarantee that the OP will ever be able to pay back the rent.

And with the OP expecting a baby, maybe you have to think of yourself first.


But the OP is still concerned about her tenant. She sounds like a caring woman.

Many readers admired the OP but said she had to put herself first.

It's sad for the tenant but its not her responsibility to provide housing for him. The OP is about to have a baby, lose more than half her income and doesn't need the financial stress on top.
u/serendiptydimensions It's amazing to have a landlord who cares this much - most would have evicted him months or even years ago. I think she has done enough goodwork though and can rest easy if she eventually evicts him.

So, what do you think? Is she an AH?

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