Daughter Tells Dad that Mom Wants to Separate

If you love both your parents equally, how are you supposed to keep a secret that requires you to take one side over the other?

Reddit user u/bettyt thought she was doing the right thing but may very well have caused what she was trying to prevent. Her parents were regularly fighting and so it didn’t come as a big surprise when her mother mentioned that their relationship was on the rocks and separation was a possibility.

But is this the sort of information you should give to your daughter who loves you both?

The OP doesn’t want her parents to separate. She could see how her Dad’s behaviour must have been hurting his Mom so, in an effort to forestall the separation, she tries to forewarn her father with the terrible consequences of the way he was acting, in the hope he’d change.

couple arguing

And now she’s stuck in her room and too scared to come out. She doesn’t seem to acknowledge what she’s done but recognises that everyone seems to hate her and no-one is talking to her.

Mike, a 58-year-old with thinning grey hair and a beard, enjoying a drink at a pub with his friends

Reddit readers generally thought everyone sucked here. The OP stuck her nose in when she shouldn’t have, but the Mom’s and Dad’s behaviour was as equally appalling.

ESH You specifically told your Dad what you were asked not to, you're Mom shouldn't have told you and your Dad's a slob. And now separation is more likely because of YOU. Bravo.

YTA Never get involved in trying to sort your parents' relationship. Who knows, maybe they'll both be happier separated and you shouldn't be trying to interfere for your own selfish reasons. Dad's gotta lift his game though.

So who’s the AH here?

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