Woman Smokes Cigarette at Funeral And People Aren’t Happy

The death of a friend or relative, particularly if they are young and the death is unexpected, can be very traumatic, and people grieve in different ways. People can also be particularly vulnerable and sensitive at this time. The OP tells the tragic story of her friend, Charlotte, who dies very quickly from lung cancer once diagnosed.

a woman smoking a cigarette at a funeral, surrounded by displeased people.jpg

The OP’s friend who died had lots of friends and family, and she was just one of many hundreds at the funeral service. The funeral service was packed and the OP didn’t know that many people there.

But just when the service was winding up and the OP’s friend’s coffin was being loaded up into the hearse, the OP did something that upset a few people.

coffin was being loaded up into the hearse

Readers were divided and it came down a lot towards how people felt about smoking in general. Comments included:

YTA Are you so much of a f..ng addict that you can't even wait until your friend is buried before sucking on one of your dirty cancer love sticks? And she died of lung cancer!!! I hate people like you.
NTA I know people are grieving but that guy who took it out on you because you were smoking is one big DICK. What was he trying to achieve? You bonded over a cigarette, it was part of her persona, and you just want to have a quiet one while she's leaving this world.  I'm sorry about your loss.

Is the OP smoking an AH move or not?

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