Does Dating Your Best Friend’s Ex Make You an AH?

It is one of the biggest unwritten rules, alongside finders keepers and step on a crack marry a rat and that is don’t date your friend’s ex. But how long this rule applies is debatable. Apart from anything it’s super uncomfortable and makes any heart to heart talk about your relationship with your friend very problematic.

But no situation like this is black and white and there are plenty of times that this works out OK without your friend deciding to boil your pet bunny rabbit.

u/Smoldy is a 23-year-old man and is grappling with the moral implications of dating his best friend’s ex-girlfriend. He took to Reddit to ask if he was an AH.

Dating My Best Friend's Ex

So basically, John dumps his girlfriend because she’s too fat. The OP and Lucy don’t see each other for months until a chance encounter. And at this encounter it seems that Lucy is VERY friendly – or maybe it’s the OP being very friendly.

In any case they exchange numbers and ‘co-incidentally’ they run into eachother the very next night. This time it’s at a bar, with alcohol, and well… you know how the story goes.

dumps his girlfriend because she's too fat

This was never going to be easy, and the OP must have felt awkward when he finally told John about his ‘new girlfriend. John wasn’t happy and claimed the timing of the relationship was irrelevant and that pursuing his ex was an absolute betrayal.

The OP seems genuinely concerned about whether he overstepped boundaries or wheyher his happiness actually deserves consideration

The story has almost equally divided readers. Some readers were sceptical about this being a ‘new’ thing and thought they’d probably been flirting for ages, or worse, had actually cheated.

Sure buddy. Anyone can read between the lines. I bet you two were doing it beforehand

Other readers were divided.

Sorry, but YTA. Friends come first, and dating your best friend's ex, regardless of the timeline, breaks the sacred blokes honor code that's been handed down from generation to generation since the time of William the Conqueror.
I'm leaning towards NAH. It's super awkward and I'd hate to have been in your shoes when you had to tell him - and I'd hate to be him in this situation too. Hopefully you all get over it.
NTA. You were given the green light once he broke up with her. He called her fat FFS and now she's looking hot again he's regretting it. That's not your problem.

Is the OP an AH?

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