Roommate’s Privacy Invasion Leads to DRAMATIC Cover-Up!

That horrible feeling of coming home and knowing someone’s been in your home and then finding things missing, really sucks.

u/Fanbelt, writing in Reddit, explains that her apartment that she shares with her room-mate Jess was burgulared and they both lost valuables. The loss of valuables is only a small part of having your home burgulared though. There’s the sense of violation and the fear of not knowing how things would have turned out if you had found someone in your apartment.

So how would you react? Maybe install deadlocks, remove any spare hidden keys, add a security screen and maybe a peephole. Bit would you install cameras inside? And how would you feel if your roommate did that?

coveriing up security camera

But the OP wasn’t happy having cameras on her all day and was particularly peeved when Jess told her that she owed $150 for her share of the cameras she didn’t even want.

And as someone who often worked from home, the OP felt the cameras were almost always on just her, and even though she liked Jess she didn’t really like the idea of being ‘spied’ on.

So, the OP, in frustration, covered up the cameras.

But seriously, how long did the OP think this would last? And what would be the consequences?

The OP is behaving in a very passive aggressive way as she was actually assuming her room-mate would notice and then there would be the confrontation she hoped. What she didn’t expect was that another break-in would occur and her actions would look very selfish and short-sighted.

Jess tells the OP she thought that there was an attempted break-in because the front door was unlocked and not closing properly. Naturally, the first thing she did was check the security footage and only then discovered the OP’s cover-up.

checking secuirty footage

Readers on Reddit wanted to know a few more details including whether there were cameras installed in private places (like bathrooms, bedrooms) and if one had been installed outside the front door and was this covered up.

Another reader enquired about the 2nd break-in with an interesting response. Could the second break-in have been a set up by Jess?

Readers were divided on the AH status because both characters seemed to be operating irrationally. u/willowwhite44 wrote that everybody sucks in this story and their description of it is a good TDLR , so we’ll leave this here:

Who exactly is the AH here?

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