Man Leaves Wife in Kitchen Cooking While He Opens Presents

What’s the best part of Christmas? Is it the singing, the food, the good cheer, or, as the OP here suggests, the giving of gifts and watching the joy on kids’ faces when they open gifts they love. Would it still be a good Christmas without that?

In this post, user u/Funtee tells of his experience hosting Christmas last year and how he and his wife had to juggle all the tasks involved on the day. Getting the food right was his wife’s responsibility, while the OP thought that the ‘difficult job’ of socialising with the guests was his priority.

So what’s the best time for opening presents? What if others have a different idea or are working to a different schedule?

The OP decides to open presents while his wife was still preparing dinner. He lets her wife know and gives a five minute warning.

AITA for Opening the Kid's Xmas Presents While My Wife Was Cooking Lunch?

But where was the OP’s wife? Preparing dinner for everyone else, it seems. Rather than wait for her, the OP let everyone open their gifts – including the OP and his wife’s own kids. The wife did not appear

a child opening Christmas presents in a festively decorated living room

It seems that the OP’s wife, while polite on the outside as ever, was not backward in letting her husband know how she felt about the way things turned out.

He explains …

Readers were divided:

YTA Your wife is out in the kitchen doing all the preparation and you treat her like that? Surely you could have co-ordinated that better and not called everyone together until she was there? I'd be massively upset too . You're on the naughty list with your wife and you'll need to work very hard throughout the year to reverse that.
NTA I'm not sure what you're supposed to do. I know exactly the pressure you're on when it's a big group and you're trying to satisfy everyone. I really think you should have done the kids presents early and then maybe other gifts as people arrive, but you'll learn from this. And tell your wife to take a chill pill and grow up.

So, who do you think the AH here is?

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