“Don’t Mess with my Jigsaw” Says Messy Man

The first jigsaw puzzle is believed to have been produced in 1766 by the John Spilsbury who was a British cartographer and engraver. Early puzzles, like the first one, tended to be cut outs of maps useful for teaching geography. Solving them has been a massively popular pastime amongst enthusiasts for centuries now. People take this past time very seriously.

So what is jigsaw puzzle etiquette? In case you didn’t know, there certainly are a number of etiquette don’t explained in this post here.

But what is the etiquette around cleaning up jigsaw puzzles? I don’t think this has ever been answered. One man, u/Dannyt took to Reddit with his story about his housemate Jeff who seems to have left his unfinished jigsaw puzzle on the kitchen bench for just a little bit too long …

OK, so you have to deal with your roommate’s SO in a shared household. That’s a given. You don’t have to like her but it’s usually important to set the boundaries. There are many horror stories of BFs and GFs moving in and not paying rent etc but this isn’t one of those.

So let’s get back to jigsaw puzzles. Jeff and his SO have been up til late working on a jigsaw which seems to have some spiritual hold on them both. Or so they say. They set up on the kitchen bench but then go to bed when they’ve only done about half. OP goes to bed and wakes up to 3/4 of his bench taken up by the puzzle. He explains …

AITA for Messing Up my Room Mates Jigsaw Puzzle

So, how long should people be given to complete their Jigsaw? Is there a standard time? Does it depend on the personal living conditions? The OP certainly thought it did because when he returned at 5pm he figured that that time had expired. Besides he need the space to make his own dinner.

But as he explains in his post, he needed the space to make his own dinner.

The OP pleaded on Reddit as he got mauled for failing to adhere to Jigsaw etiquette.

girldriend who is covered in tattoos

Readers of the post seemed clear about Jigsaw etiquette almost universally saying he need to give them more time. One reader even claimed “you don’t mess with someone’s jigsaw” and said it was like messing with someone else’s GF. Yuck!

u/ breakfastburrito875 
YTA. Everyone knows the five day rule, don't they? Or they should. All OP had to do was ask "how long will this be on the bench?"
u/regurgitateandroid22 F
FS YTA don't mess with someone's jigsaw like you don't mess with your mate's girl. That is until you've had a discussion about it (the jigsaw, not the girl).
YTA If someone messed with my jigsaw after I'd put in that much effort I'd be pissed too.

But others couldn’t see the problem and thought the whole argument was just a tad immature.

NTA first world problem example. Grow up.

What do you think?

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